Category Archives: 2 Timothy

Prisoner with a Purpose

May 7, 2023 – 2 Timothy 1:7-14

Guard the treasure.

Download discussion questions:  2 Timothy 1:7-14

I encourage you to look at the passage in 2 Timothy before you read this Blog entry.  What do you see in the text yourself?  What questions come to your mind?  How would you interpret what the writer says?  After even a few minutes examining and thinking about the text you will be much better prepared to evaluate the comments in the Blog.

One of the observations in our group discussion noted the repeated words or themes in this passage:

An Emotional Introduction

April 30, 2023 – 2 Timothy 1:1-7 – An Emotional Introduction

Why was Timothy crying?

Download discussion questions:  2 Timothy 1:1-7

I encourage you to look at the passage in 2 Timothy before you read this Blog entry.  What do you see in the text yourself?  What questions come to your mind?  How would you interpret what the writer says?  After even a few minutes examining and thinking about the text you will be much better prepared to evaluate the comments in the Blog.

The first meeting of our group focused on an introduction to the inductive method of Bible study[1].  Since not much time was left to actually explore the passage, we decided to work on our own during the week.  If you have read previous blogs here you will note that this is a difference.  In the past, the studies began and ended in the course of about an hour.  The first part of the hour was spent looking at the passage individually, which limited the time left for discussion.  Most likely, this study will follow the format of doing “homework” (as much or as little as is practical for each individual) and then pooling our results in the group discussion.  Either approach works well depending on the group you are in. Continue reading

Why 2 Timothy?

“In a sense it is kind of a last will and testament, a ‘passing on the mantle.’”

Why Study (and blog about) 2 Timothy?

The letter of 2 Timothy is generally grouped as part of “the Pastoral Epistles” or the letters to leaders, along with 1 Timothy and Titus.  All three provide personal and pastoral guidance to young leaders in early congregations.  So perhaps the three brief Biblical books are only intended for pastors? Continue reading